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We’re a community of people who love God above all, bound together in fellowship by the love of Christ, exalting the Almighty in an atmosphere of vibrant praise & worship. We have a deep desire to see this city come to know who Jesus, the living God is. We welcome you just the way you are! Join us this Sunday in person or online.

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English Service
9:00 AM to 11:00 AM



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Our Ministries

Power House

Power House is where every child would want to be on a Sunday morning! A church exclusively for children from 3 to 12 years of age, it is a vibrant and exciting place where children are taught the Word of God in an atmosphere of lively worship, creativity, action-packed games & lots more!

Youth Ministry

We concentrate on youngsters aged 13 to 17 years. We work with a team of dedicated and energetic Mentors and aim to help our Teens achieve their full God- given potential and have an identity based on high self-worth, in their schools/colleges and society.

Young Adult Ministry

Encouraging youth to be leaders within our youth ministries is an important step towards helping them to become lifelong participants in the mission of the Church. Leadership responsibilities can steer youth away from the notion that they are just a member of the Church.

Community Connect

Life Groups are small groups of families that meet in homes on a weekday evenings. Life Group is all about caring for one another and studying God’s Word. This is the group that supports you when you’re down, and encourages you to grow in your faith .

Women's Ministry

Our desire as a women’s ministry is to nurture the hearts of women to know God’s Word and follow faithfully after Christ demonstrating authenticity and love, and serving as we are uniquely made.

Worship Ministry

New Life Fellowship music ministry team is dedicated to glorifying God in our music & allowing the Spirit of God to move freely in our congregation as we worship Him in spirit and in truth.

Latest Blogs

Freedom with limits

The other day, I came across an Instagram reel where the influencer posed an old, oft-debated question, ‘Can we allow children to scribble on walls?’ As much as I appreciated her balanced take on the topic, what really drew my attention was a statement she made while...

Connected But Alone

In today's increasingly connected world, it can be easy to feel like we are surrounded by people yet still isolated and alone. While this feeling of loneliness is a very modern phenomenon, it has existed throughout human history. Nowadays, loneliness is becoming a...

Seventy Times Seven

It’s been 24 years since the gruesome murder of Graham Staines and his two sons left the world appalled and shocked. The then President of India, KR Narayanan said, “it belonged to the world’s inventory of black deeds”. In the aftermath, what stood out most was the...


What if we have been eating all kinds of junk food, and when we have become obese we pray for a miraculous return to normal size? What if we fooled around all the year and prayed that we would pass the exam in first class? What if we spent our money carelessly and...

God is not like us

If we look at the gods people have imagined about in the ancient times, we can see that they are physical extensions of what we already know on earth. But in order to attribute supernatural powers to these gods, people imagine them to have special physical features....

Forbidden Fruit

I watched as my infant son crawled quickly across the bed towards the switchboard. Now, every parent knows that this is a red flag, and so I quickly sprang into action, not thinking twice. It was the work of a matter of seconds, and I quickly withdrew him, carrying...

When a brother sins

When a brother sins, do we ever consider the possibility that he may not have sinned at all, but we are imagining it? Lots of times, that is a possibility, but in our thoughts, we are almost sure he has done wrong. Jesus has given us two suggestions for us in such...

Trusting in Hope

This is the story of my currently almost eleventh-month-old son and his miraculous birth. The other day, when I was narrating the story to a close friend, he said, “But aren’t all births miraculous?” So true. What starts out as just a single cell develops over a...

Changing Times. An Unchanging God

CHANGE. I share a complex relationship with that word. There are times when I long to break free from the monotony of life and embrace something new and refreshing. However, the moment I experience a slight shift from the familiar, I’m gripped by fear and anxiety. I...

Relationships are an Investment

What is the first image that comes to mind when you hear the word ‘invest’?   I see a few images. The first is a small green plant in a pot – because that is usually the image that appears in articles about investing. The image is meant to convey the thought that...

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New Life Fellowship City Church

4th Floor, Lewis Workspace, Off Millers - Nandidurga Road, Jayamahal, CBD, Benson Town, Bengaluru, Karnataka - 560046

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