We’re a community of people who love God above all, bound together in fellowship by the love of Christ, exalting the Almighty in an atmosphere of vibrant praise & worship. We acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus Christ in all its fullness, having received the mandate to proclaim His Lordship in every sphere of life.
The New Life Fellowship is a Spirit-filled, Bible-based church that seeks to restore people to Spiritual, Relational, Emotional & Physical wholeness through inspirational teaching of the Word of God, exuberant praise & worship, relational discipling and fellowship.
The NLF Bangalore City Church is part of a larger body that is spread over South India, Middle East & Global reach. Browse through these pages to know more about us. We welcome you to be a part of this movement to impact the city of Bangalore with the Love of Christ!
– NLF City Church, Bangalore
The New Life Fellowship (NLF) began in a small way in 1983, when the Lord Jesus Christ impressed upon Pastor V.M. Samuel and his wife, Somey, to move out of Mumbai and pioneer a church in Mangalore in Karnataka. God enabled them to envision a church planting movement throughout Karnataka, which still remains one of the most unreached states in South India.
In 1987, Pastor V.M. Samuel and Somey handed over the churches in Mangalore to Pastor Donald and Winnie Menezes and shifted base to Bangalore to lead the church planting movement of the New Life Fellowship. They continue to serve their Lord as the Senior Pastors of the New Life Fellowship Churches, overseeing more than 120 churches in South India & the Middle East.
Pastor V.M. Samuel is of the firm conviction that the church is the answer to the revival of people and the means of reaching out to the unreached. The church planting ministry of the New Life Fellowship continues to progress despite challenges. The Lord has raised up stalwart leaders who have stood firm with Pastor V.M. Samuel in building the kingdom of God. The Lord has also granted him faithful co-workers committed to the leadership and vision of NLF. Together they form a formidable team that is tasked with the vision to establish Bible-based, Spirit-filled, Self-Governing & Self-Supporting Churches with a mandate to “Grow, Go, Give”.
Vision Statement
To establish Christ-centered, Spirit-filled, Bible-based Churches that grow and multiply across nations so as to transform lives and communities.
Mission Statement
We are committed to:
Edify through Word, Worship, Prayer and Fellowship
Equip through Discipleship
Envision through Intercession, Inspiration and Impartation
Empower through laying on of hands and releasing resources
Enlarge through community engagement and evangelism
We Value Commitment
To God
To the Local Church
To the Leadership
To the Vision
We Value People
By Accepting and Caring
By Nurturing Healthy Relationships
By Developing God-given Potential
We Value Doctrinal Purity
By Believing that the Bible is infallible, inerrant and God inspired
We Value Stewardship
By Being Accountable
By Being Responsible
By Being Transparent
By Having a spirit of Excellence
We Value Servant Leadership
We Serve
We Respect
We Honor
We Submit
We Value Godly Character